Although his attitude is carefree, he always helps the people in need. Sonic the Hedgehog: The fastest thing alive thanks to a pair of speedy shoes.The heroes travelled to Foreverpeace Island to continue their journey.
Knuckles joined forces with them, and soon, Team Sonic was formed.
Our heroes told him about the impact and their past adventures leading to it. Regaining consciousness, Sonic and Tails find Knuckles looking as if to say 'Are you okay?' They opened up, revealing a blue hedgehog with speedy shoes and an orange fox cub with two tails, both of which looking familiar. Meanwhile, Knuckles was telling all the animals of Angel Island about his adventure and ups and downs with Sonic, when two escape pods crashed onto the floor. Meanwhile, our heroes fly back their homes, only to see MSV2 shoot at them, therefore crashing down. After a few hours, he finished his new creation 'Mecha Sonic V2.' However, little did he know he had a mind of his own. He realises this was of Mecha Sonic, so he went straight to work. Then suddenly, a robotic engine fell on his head. Eggman goes to his lair, with no idea what to do. After destroying the Death Egg mk.II, Sonic & Tails jump into escape pods and return to Earth safely.