You will also face a Doom Hunter once again. The best option for taking them down is the Ballista, which excels at fighting flying demons.
Though it looks similar to the Cacaodemon, the Pain Elemental is much stronger and doesn't have the same grenade swallowing weakness. Your next large encounter will introduce you to the Pain elemental. Clear out the demons to move on to the next area.Ĭontinue to follow the marker, you will be pretty much following a straight path for this mission. The teleporter inside there will take you to a demon encounter.
Make your way through the vents, fighting the demons inside until you find another vent you can punch to drop down in the room that was previously blocked. Jump inside the vent above them and punch the grate on the other side to create an exit. Find the room with the three large crate you can jump on top of. The UAC has let them in to try and stop you from accessing the BFG. After a short cutscene take the elevator down to the facility that has now been overrun by demons.