However, you need to be careful while viewing this type of content as additional malware might be attached somewhere. This way a bigger number of users fall for believing in scams such as White Screen virus. Various officially-looking logos are created to bring a look of legitimacy to the scam message. Additionally, the notification informs that the computer screen has been blocked due to exposure of pornography-related data, spamming activities, and misusing copyright rules.
White Screen virus displays a warning of fake crimes committed and pretends to be from the Australian Federal Police, the FBI, or similar law enforcement agencies. However, be calm as no jail, prosecution, or penalty is waiting for you here as this scam message is completely fake and has been produced for illegitimate activities only. If the fine is not paid on time, the virus promises that there is a huge possibility of getting into the jail.
White Screen virus usually urges the payment to be transferred within 48 hours.